Noah Wilson-Rich, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer | TED Speaker | Princeton University Press Author
Chief Executive Officer | TED Speaker | Princeton University Press Author


Not Your
Bee Guy

From big-stage impact to small-screen intimacy, Noah's humility and earnestness always touch an audience.


As a scientist with a Ph.D. in bee health, author of The Bee: A Natural History (Princeton University Press), and MIT Media Lab Research Affiliate, Noah actively collaborates with researchers at Harvard University, Boston University, National Geographic, NASA and other renowned institutions.

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The more you understand about bees, the better our future can be
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Honeybees from Cape Cod to Mars
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Every city needs healthy honeybees
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Beekeeping with Impact
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Growing Sustainable Communities

Consider For Your Next Event

Bees are buzzworthy. Professional audiences comprised of business practitioners, non-profit leaders, policy wonks, and scientific researchers alike always walk away from a presentation about the wonder of bees with a memorable new insight about our world.

Here are a few sample topics to consider for your next event:


From Student to CEO: Learn How to Leverage Your Knowledge to Become an Entrepreneur 


From Underdog to Winner: Empowering Minority Communities to Leverage the Benefits of Diversity as a Competitive Advantage 


Lessons in Leadership and Change Management from the Real Science of Bees


Learn How the World's Largest Companies and Institutions are Installing the Latest Technological Innovations in Pollinator Health On-Premises to Power ESG Reporting

"Wonderful charisma, incredible expertise, and complete command and love of his subject.

The audience loved him, and we were grateful that he interacted with them throughout the day. Highly recommended."

Hospitality Design Summit

"I loved your presentation and am contacting you to see if we might be able to do something with Best Bees here at State Street."

Director at State Street Global Advisors

Mark Halliday

"Thanks to you, last night’s Our Future with Bees event was a triumph! You really were terrific."


Tucker Hiatt

"This presenter was wonderful (and his presentation). Incredibly informative and fun. Makes me really want my own honey bees."

U.S. Botanic Garden

"I just wanted to follow up and say thank you for coming to campus to give a talk.  It truly was one of the best talks that have been given in the ES Program in my five years here, a testament to your passion, intellect, and humor!

Hope that at some point in the future we could bring you back to campus."

Colby College

Lia Morris

"The Northeastern University students (and myself) have not stopped talking about your amazing talk. The content and the delivery were high-energy and ranked best of the semester by everyone. Your message is so important, and your passion shines through to capture the audience. I want to pass your name along as a potential speaker next semester! Many, many thanks,"

Northeastern University

Dr. Lori Chekal

"This was my favorite session at AIM [Apartment Innovation and Marketing]. I learned so much!"

Content Strategist and Business Reporter

Paul Bergeron

"Noah, thank you for coming so well prepared and delivering a clear, compelling story. We were grateful to be able to present something new to our audience and end on a strong note. I'm delighted for all of the connections for you."

Executive Producer, AIM Conference

Steve Lefkovits

"We learned so much about bees and the environment in a truly entertaining and understandable manner."

Flower Power Fundraiser

‘’Our guests were singing your praise about how wonderful you are to talk to and how engaging your presentation was. You were delightful to work with and we greatly appreciate you being so generous with your time in dining with our co-chairs and signing books for our guests.’’

Flower Power Fundraiser

The Bee: A Natural History

Bees pollinate more than 70 fruit, vegetable, and seed crops that we rely on to survive. Bees are crucial to the reproduction and diversity of flowering plants, and the economic contributions of these irreplaceable insects measure in the tens of billions of dollars each year. Yet bees are dying at an alarming rate, threatening food supplies and ecosystems around the world.

In this richly illustrated natural history of the bee, Noah Wilson-Rich and his team of bee experts provide a window into the vitally important role that bees play in the life of our planet.

Princeton University Press

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Hungry for Data?

With years of experience in academic and applied research, Noah can bring the data—and explain it effectively to a non-scientific audience. 

(He can even deliver original insights specific to the location of your event!)

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